Random Pedestrians

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General Information
Some random pedestrians only appear in game at certain times of the day. Where possible, these times are listed below, however if there is no time information, the best thing to do is to check the location every 6 hours in game. You can do this easily either by saving the game (+6 hours), dying (+6 hours), or spraying your car at the Pay N' Spray (+3 hours). Some pedestrians will only appear if you saved them during the story. More details are below.
Broker/Dukes Random Pedestrians
Must have completed the mission "Shadow" for Little Jacob.
Badman wants you to help him take out some Russians. Grab a vehicle and drive him to the meeting point on the GPS.
The Russians are doing a drug deal just off Carrollton Street, so make your way there. Once you arrive, you can either drive through the alley and use your car to mash a few of the Russian's into the road, or get out of your vehicle and take them out on foot, either with weapons or explosions. Grenades work well. Either way, once they're dead you'll be rewarded with $500 from Badman.
Brian 1
Must have completed the mission "It's Your Call" for Roman.
Brian will introduce himself by taking the piss out of Niko's accent. Luckily, he's in a generous mood and gives Niko $100 just for listening.
Brian 2
Must have completed Brian 1.
At least 1 full day must have passed since you completed the previous mission.
Brian doesn't look as happy as he was before. He's sucking on a joint, but tells you if you wanna make a quick buck, then follow him. Of course, by "follow", he really means get a vehicle and drive him there. So get a vehicle and drive him to the meeting point.
After he makes the drug deal for a "boulder" of coke, he wants you to drive him back to his place on Wappinger, so head around the block and drop him off in the yellow mission blip. He'll give you $200 for helping him.
Brian 3
Must have completed Brian 2.
At least 1 full day must have passed since you completed the previous mission.
Brian tells you he's clean now and that he's engaged, but he needs to pay off one of his old dealers to make things right. He wants you to come with him so that he won't give in to temptation.
Grab a vehicle and make your way just a few blocks away to the meet up point. During the cutscene, the drug dealers will turn on Brian and start attacking him. Get out of the car and kill both of the dealers. Once they're dead, Brian will ask you to take him back to his place on Wappinger. Once you drop him off you'll receive $500 as a token of his gratitude.
Must have completed the mission "Escuela Of The Streets" for Manny Escuela.
Mel explains his life story, and how he's finished with drugs, drinl and hookers, but he owes a guy some money and wants you to come along and protect him while he pays him back.
Grab a car and get to the meeting point, marked by a yellow blip on your GPS. Watch the cutscene where three guys will threaten Mel, then you'll need to take them out.
Kill all three of the guys who are shooting at Mel, then once they're all dead, walk over and speak to Mel. He wants you to take him home, so get back in your vehicle and head to the yellow blip on the GPS, which is actually where you met him to start with. He'll get out and give you $500 for your trouble.
Ilyena Faustin
Must have completed the mission "The Puerto Rican Connection" for Manny Escuela.
Ilyena wants you to stop a slimeball hanging out with her daughter Anna. She thinks he wants to make her become a stripper or prostitute, but begs you not to kill him.
Grab a vehicle and head to the red blip on your GPS. Once you arrive, get out of your vehicle and approach the slimeball. He'll try to run away, but you'll have a weapon ready to blow his brains out. If you weren't anticipating his escape, chase after him and beat his ass. Once he's dead, you're done.
Algonquin Random Pedestrians
Must have completed the mission "The Puerto Rican Connection" for Manny Escuela.
Hossan explains what he's been doing since he got off the boat, and Niko also tells him about his cousin. After Hossan's phone call, he'll ask Niko if he wants to go for a walk with him. It turns out he doesn't want to walk at all though. After about 5 steps he'll ask you to get a car and take him to a meet so he can collect some money from his employer.
Drive him to the meet and Hossan will get out and speak to the guy, but he refuses to pay and tries to escape in his car. Let Hossan get back in your car, then chase after his employer. Drive by his car, and in particularly, the driver himself, and once it's damaged enough, he'll try to get away on foot. Take him out. Once he's dead, collect Hossan's money.
Once you've got the cash, take Hossan back to his place, just down an alley way and pull into the yellow marker. Hossan will give you $500 for helping him.
Sara 1
Must have completed the mission "The Puerto Rican Connection" for Manny Escuela.
She only appears at night, so wait until it gets dark.
Sara will ask you if she's still got it, and if Niko think she's still hot. Niko says she is, but he's really not interested. Sara wants you to take her home.
Grab a vehicle and pick up Sara, then follow your GPS to her house. Once you arrive, a man will be standing on her steps. This is her husband, and contrary to what she was telling you about the divorce the whole journey, what she really wanted was for you to kill him. So kill him.
Sara 2
Must have completed Sara 1.
At least 1 full day must have passed since you completed the previous mission.
Sara explains she was wasted the last time she met you. You know, the time where she tricked you into murdering her husband. Anyway, she wants you to collect a box from a shop assistant at Perseus. Get a taxi or drive to the destination marked on your GPS by a blue blip then head inside.
Speak to the shop assistant, who will tell you that you need to pay for the package. Hand over the $500, then make your way back to the docks where you'll find Sara. She'll give you $1000 for your trouble.
Marnie 1
Must have completed the mission "Three Leaf Clover" for Packie.
Marnie is a junkie sitting on a park bench. She tells you she needs some drugs and offers to have sex with Niko for five bucks which he politely refuses. She wants you to take her to Alderney City so she can buy some 'junk' from the dealer.
She can't walk, so you'll need to grab a vehicle and drive her to the destination on your GPS. Once you arrive, pull into the alley way and park in the yellow mission blip. She'll get out and Niko will give her $500.
Marnie 2
Must have completed Marnie 1.
At least 1 full day must have passed since you completed the previous mission.
Marnie is sick of her life and wants to go home to her family in the Mid-West. Grab a car and drive her to the station. Once she gets out, Niko will give her $500 for the journey.
Pathos 1
Must have completed the mission "The Puerto Rican Connection" for Manny Escuela.
Pathos is an Urban Rapper who is part-way through explaining how great he is when a bunch of guys start shouting expletives towards him.
After the cutscene you'll need to run across the road and help Pathos defeat the two guys who are beating him up. Use a car and run them over a few times, or get out and punch their lights out, either way, once they're dead, Pathos will say thanks and disappear.
Pathos 2
Must have completed Pathos 1.
At least 1 full day must have passed since you completed the previous mission.
Pathos will be explaining his new CD to you when some guys start shouting obscenities at him again. This time he'll charge at them, but the guy pulls out a gun and shoots Pathos. Quickly kill the two enemies shooting at you, then grab a vehicle quickly. You need to get Pathos to the hospital. Park next to him and let him get in, then make your way to the hospital and park outside.
Must have spared Cherise on the mission "Ruff Ryder" for Dwayne.
Must have completed the mission "The Holland Play" for Playboy X.
Cherise tells you about her boyfriend who has been hitting her. Niko says he's going to teach him a lesson, but Cherise begs you not to kill him.
Grab a vehicle and make your way to the projects. Pull into the yellow marker and Cherise will point out her boyfriend. Walk over and speak with him.
After a short discussion, he'll try to escape, but a quick shotgun blast in the back as he tries to roll into cover will put an end to that. Once he's dead, go over and speak with Cherise. She's not happy you killed her boyfriend, so she tells you to leave her alone and disappears.
Must have completed the mission "Holland Nights".
Must have spared Clarence on the mission "Holland Nights".
Clarence reminds you who he is. He's that guy who begged for his life on the top of the building you're standing next to. He say's he's not going to bed to anyone ever again and pulls out a gun on you.
When the action resumes you'll be standing behind some cover, with Clarence behind some cover further up the street. Lean out and shoot him dead. Simple as that. Then collect his pocket fulls of money.
Jeff 1
Must have completed the mission "Photo Shoot" for Playboy X.
Jeff explains that his wife is cheating on him. He wants you to follow her and take some photos of her cheating on him, then text them to him.
Get in the car parked right in front of you, and tail Jeff's wife. They'll eventually pull up outside the Superstar Cafe, so pull up behind them.
After the cutscene, head inside the Superstar Cafe and make your way up the stairs to the right. Once you reach the top of the stairs, whip out your cell phone and take a photo of the couple. Make sure you get them both in, then send it to Jeff.
Once it's sent, head outside where you'll receive $1000 and a phone call from Jeff.
Jeff 2
Must have completed Jeff 1.
Jeff will call you at some point to arrange this meet.
If he doesn't seem to be calling you, try calling his phone. You should have his number in your phone. He won't answer, but he should call you back soon after.
At least 1 full day must have passed since you completed the previous mission.
After Jeff has called you and told you he's "cut some ties" with his wife, he wants you to meet him in a car park off the corner of Silicon Street. Grab a vehicle and head to the yellow blip on the GPS to meet him.
Once you've met him in the underground car park, you'll find out he's murdered his wife and wants you to dispose of the car and body. Get in the vehicle and make your way to the GPS location so that you can dump the vehicle in the water.
Pull up in the yellow mission marker and you'll be told to drive at high speed towards the water and bail out. There's a concrete ramp just next to the water, so drive reasonably quickly towards that, then just as you reach the end of the grass, bail out and the car will sail into the water. Jeff will pay you $5000 for giving his wife a burial at sea.
Jeff 3
Must have completed Jeff 2.
At least 1 full day must have passed since you completed the previous mission.
Jeff is sitting on a bench, spying his new wife. He thinks she's messing him around, so he wants you to kill her as well. Niko refuses, so Jeff walks off, across the road. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't see a speeding Turismo coming, which runs him over and kills him.
Grab all of his money from the road, and then jump into the abandoned Turismo if you want a nice car and drive about a block away. You'll never have to worry about Jeff again.
Alderney Random Pedestrians
Eddie Low 1
Must have completed the mission "Three Leaf Clover" for Packie.
Shows up between 10 PM and 4 AM.
After his strange introduction, Eddie wants you to get a car and take him to the docks. Listen out for his jokes about decapitation, leaving you with no surprise as to what's in his bag. Once you arrive, park in the mission marker and Eddie will get out and throw his bag into the water.
Once he's done that, he'll ask you to take him to Westminster, so follow your GPS to the destination. Drop him off and after some strange words, he'll get out and leave you alone.
Eddie Low 2
Must have completed Eddie Low 1.
Shows up between 10 PM and 4 AM.
At least 1 full day must have passed since you completed the previous mission.
"Possibly" need to read the news article on the internet about the killer striking again.
Eddie is acting extremely weirdly, and after explaining how he's raped little kids and murdered them, he comes after you with a knife. Sprint past him and keep running while you change weapons and whip out something useful. Turn around and aim at him. He'll be so close that Niko will probably pistol whip him, then when Eddie falls backwards, empty your weapon into him. Once he's dead, grab his money.
Must have spared Ivan on the mission "Ivan The Not So Terrible" for Vlad.
Must have completed the mission "Three Leaf Clover" for Packie.
Ivan has made a nice new life for himself in Alderney. He lends people money, and he's got a client around the corner. Everything is nice and friendly in his money lending world, apparently.
He wants you to get a vehicle so you can drive him "around the corner", which happens to be about a mile away. Grab a car and make your way to the yellow blip on your GPS.
A cutscene will kick in where Ivan's client will claim he thought the money was a gift, then a few men holding guns will appear. The client tells you to get lost, but Niko is having none of it.
After the cutscene, there'll be five guys shooting at you, but you'll be in cover, so one by one just lean out and eliminate them. Once they're all dead, collect their money then head over and speak to Ivan. He'll give you $1000 for saving his ass again.
Gracie Ancelotti
Must have completed the mission "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" for Gerry McReary and waited for three game days for a call from Gerry about protecting the family.
Gracie will spot you and call for her body guards, letting everyone know you were the guy who kidnapped her. Five or so of her guards will show up around her house and all you need to do is lock onto them, shoot them and kill them. Once they're all dead you're finished with Miss Ancelotti.
First Posted: 24th Aug 2008